Anyone have any idea what those little rattle bottles of auto touch up paint consist of? I am thinking of doing some touch up on my 88 Cougar with the air brush, but just wonder if i would be able to use that touch up stuff without hurting the brush, and what to use for cleanup???
I’ve used automotive acrylic touch-up paints for models for years with great success - but I’ve found the spray cans easier to play with than the little bottles, because the paint in the bottles is really thick and needs massive amounts of thinner to allow it to flow through the airbrush.
I use short lengths of large diameter drinking straw as a nozzle to spray the paint directly into my airbrush jar, then thin it a little, and then spray away. It goes on very well and lays down very flat, so it’s easy to lay down multiple coats without excessive buildup.
I’ve never had a problem with the paint or the thinner damaging the innards of my airbrush. I just thin with normal automotive acrylic thinner.
The paint is laquer. You can use laquer thinner to thin it to the consistency of milk, and use the thinner to clean your airbrush. should be fine. Hope this helps.
i couldnt find anything on the label of the rattle bottle as to whether it was acrylic or enamel. Now i dont know which way to go…one of you says it is acrylic and the other says enamel. By the way, the rattle bottle is not a spray…comes with a touch up brush built into the cap.
The bottle is laquer. Follow my directions, and you should be fine.