Aussie/Anzac GB 2006 Rules
1All subjects, Aircraft, Armour, soft skinned vehicles, ships, figures…
2 Enjoy your build…
The Badge
Well, well, well… I think you know that I’ll be in on this one. I’m thinking maybe a S2F-1 Tracker converted to a RAN S2-G. That’ll be a big job, but I reckon I’m up to it. Might even add a spitfire of some variety in later on, the GB goes long enough to allow it. And, if it’s alright with you, I’ll finish my Mauve P-40N (which I’ve barely started) as “Black Magic”.
Would you all consider an ANZAC build? No offense, but I am loaded up for stuff from across the Tasman…and after all you blokes are quite a bit of fun…
I believe there’s an ANZAC build planned for later in the year mate. Don’t know how up to date my information is, but that’s what I heard a while ago. Could turn this one into a ANZAC build though, see what Jules thinks.
Yeah i think i was originally going to do this one as the Anzac GB but i didn’t know what was going on with South Aussie…
But it’s cool with me Joe[tup] I’ll make it an Aussie/Anzac GB, I may even be able to find the time to do a kiwi Avenger myself…
Daniel Havn’t seen you much lately, work been keeping you busy eh mate, i’ll put you down for the Tracker and i’ll update your builds as you go[tup]
hey jules is this the time to break out the matilda i was saving for the usual suspects south pacific war build[:-,]
Yeah Chris I reckon this might just well be the right time for it[tup]
Brilliant! Put me down for either an F4U-1a Corsair or a PV-1 Ventura in the markings of the Land of the Long White Cloud. There is an off chance, if I am successful in making my own decals, of an A4K. Lean chances of that though.
Looking forward to this for sure. Happily, this is my final GB I will be commiting to this year. Over committed last year and finished only one of four I tried.
hmmm… if it were an ANZAC thing I could do the SBD with this on it’s nose:
It’s a very used ex-USMC SBD-3 given to the RNZAF back in the war…
I’ll have to check my build table and see what I have up… but IF I can get that pic down onto a decal I will do it!!! Of course finding the roundels and such might be tricky too but you know I am when it comes to fringe… [;)]
this just reminded me… it’s against (I am assuming Australian) regulations to ship anything from the States to Australia with the word ANZAC on it. It was on the list of rules I had to read before I shipped you guys that future!
this just reminded me… it’s against (I am assuming Australian) regulations to ship anything from the States to Australia with the word ANZAC on it. It was on the list of rules I had to read before I shipped you guys that future!
Really Tom. That’s a new one on me.
I will be doing a RAAF P-39 as my only definate kit for the Group Build but I have heaps of kits ‘in progress’ at the moment so I will also put them up as they are finished. My ‘in progress’ list all in 1/48:
Miles Magister
B-24 liberator
OSU2 Kingfisher
A4 Skyhawk
TA4G Skyhawk
Fairy Battle TT
GAF Nomad
I would love to do a Grumman Avenger in RNZAF colours but I can’t get hold of the decals. From what I understand the Italeri release has them but I only have two AM versions of it.
OK fellas, Joe i have you down for either the corsair or the Ventura, Dave i have you down for the P-39…
Tom & Chris i have you guys down as maybe’s, i’m still waiting on Tweets & Darren and i’m pretty sure that Madmike is interested but i’ll wait for them to make an appearance before i’ll add them to the list…
Jules consider my appearance made [tup].
To say I’m in goes without saying and for my build I’m doing Bobby Gibbes 3 Squadron RAAF Kittyhawk Mk.IA. I’ll be using the Hase 1/48 P-40E and Aussie Decals markings
Jules - it’s not a question of will I be here, just what I will be building!!!
Darren yeah mate i knew you would be in[tup] I’ll add your build to the first post…
Tom Ok i’ll add you to the list as a definate but with a build to be decided[tup]
OK I’ve been playing around with badge design and i wanted to have one the same size and same theme as the last 2 with the roo and all so i’ve come up with a nice simple one…
What do you fellas think[?]
OOPS I forgot to add the bottom border line[:I]
OOPS again you just have to click on the pic[D)]
Jules, I would love to reciprocate the entry and join as you did for the Canadian one but I think I may be all tapped out for GB’s this year. I had thought about it for this one and I was thinking a WW1 Ace, maybe Aurthur Cobby (Camel), Rod Dallas (Camel) or Elwyn King (Snipe). The 1:72 kits for these planes are pretty small and quick but I just am not sure if I can fit this one in.[:(]
Beside this spring is going to be absolutely crazy come May when it gets close to my wifes due date. After that, I am not promising anything, I may even have to take a break from modelling… what did I just say, say it ain’t so… Never! I vow right now to try with all my might to continue the habi- er, hobby even if I get only one built a year! - unless my wife says other wise…[(-D]
Put me down for a Italeri 1/72 RAAF Hawk Mk 127. Just gotta get some accurate decals for it.
Desdinova, Aussie Decals do a great set of markings for the RAAF Hawk. I’m not sure where you are located but I know Greatmodels carry the Aussie Decals range.
Jules, love the badge its perfect, as soon as you say it’s final I’ll start using it. By the way, do you want me to fix up your sig at the same time?
Jay don’t worry about it mate we all know your about to become a dad for the first time and thats your number one priority so it’s all good, just pop in every now and then for the conversation, anyway later on in the year you may just find the time to do a little 1/72 scout[tup][tup]
Darren, glad you like the badge mate, i tried to do it so it would be similar but different from the last 2 years badges…Feel free to add it to your sig anytime[tup]
And yes please can you add the badge to my sig and if i may ask could you also add the Allied aces GB badge to it also, the one you have in yours with Johnsons spit, i should get the program you use for it so i’m not bothering you every time a new GB comes up…
Oh Yeah BTW Darren Is your kittyhawk the one that was profiled in that magazine with the desert camo job[?]
Desdinova welcome to the group buddy[tup] I’ll update your build to the first post just as soon as ive come up with a decent image/title for it…BTW if i may ask where abouts are you situated on this globe[?]