I am inquiring as to who owns the molds for this kit. I bought it many years ago and kept in in it’s shrink rap. The other day I finally opened the box and there is no glass in it. Who would I ask to get a replacement? I thought also that I could vac form it and maybe restore the bulged look. But with the accuracy issues, it would be better to wait for a new release: if and when that should ever happen.
Given how short a run it was and how long it’s been gone, the molds may no longer even exist. Your best bet would be to hit as many modeling websites as possible and see if someone has the kit and is willing to vac/press form you a copy.
IIFC, the multimedia kit that Miku put out several years ago was essentially a direct copy of the old Aurora kit. I’m not positive of this since I haven’t seen an Aurora Cheyenne since I was about 8 years old. I have the Miku kit, and it has a vacform canopy. That same kit was later released under the Legato brand. You may be able to find a Miku/Legato kit and rob its canopy, PE parts, and decals to pimp up your original Aurora plastic. Anigrand has an all-new 1/72 kit due out in December, so there is a chance the canopy from that kit will fit. But at that point, I would just build the Anigrand kit (unless it’s inferior to the Aurora, that is). Good luck!
If the mold still exists, it is owned by Revell-Monogram, Monogram bought the molds when Aurora went out of business. Some molds were lost in a train accident and others may have been lost over time
Thanks everyone who responded. My two options, I feel, would be to 1: Wait for a new kit release possibly this winter and 2: Get out a balsa block and get to work. Maybe it will produce something. Waiting for a newer release would insure (maybe) a more accurate model.
I’ve got the Aurora Cheyenne kit in my stash. I haven’t looked at it in years. I’ve vacuformed canopies over the years but nothing that large. I don’t know where the old Matel vacuform is or I would consider attempting to make you one. Hurricane Gustav just left our area in a mess and my shop was used for storage so don’t know when I’ll have the time to dig through and straighten everything out. I’ll keep you in mind. I was lucky no damage but a fellow model builder had a tree fall right in the middle of the house he was renting and he lost everything! We are keeping our eye on Hurricane Ike at the moment!