does anyone kno how to simulate bullet holes or shell holes in tanks n stuff?
i tried a soddering iron on one of my “experimental” tanks and lets just say i wasnt satisfied[:(]
does anyone kno how to simulate bullet holes or shell holes in tanks n stuff?
i tried a soddering iron on one of my “experimental” tanks and lets just say i wasnt satisfied[:(]
well it depends on what bullet or shell.
Never really attempted this type of damage on a serious level.
You might want to thin the back of the (plastic) area where you want to portray the damage, then take a sharp object (ice pick, scratch awl, needle, etc) and gently push it through the front surface.
Try heating the head of a pin (I inserted it in a chopstick first) then you can push it partway through to make the shell hit, then there’s the deeply grooved splinter marks around the hole, the painting of bare steel (where the round hit ain’t painted no more) and lastly a bit of weathering, round hit last week a bit more rust, 10 minutes ago not much. If your tank got penetrated it’ll be a small hole going in, if it blew up some hatches will be open (and are you doing an interior?). If it didn’t blow the hatches could still be closed. All are something to think about. Try the pin on the experimental tank first. see if ya like it. Same with thinning the plastic, it works too. good luck…
If you use the hot pin method be sure you clean out the excess from the edges of both sides of the hole to sharpen the edge of it.
If you are trying to model just penetration holes then the hot pin or a small bit in a pin vice should do the trick for you.
Well on something like fenders and mud guards, I would thin the plastic to make shrapnel and bullet damage then use a heated up needle are a dremil tool depending on the size and look of the damage.For a windshield use a small heated up needle there for bullet holes and a hobby knife to make cracks and scrathches in the glass.For armor plate shrapnel and bullet holes would only nick it up scrat it up most of the time are not pennetrate very far. I used a sharp pointed dental like tool to make anti-tank rifle round in some armor plate on my tiger. I heated up the end till it glow red, then push it in to the plastic, looks like the real thing. Like in the pictures For larger rounds I always used my dremil tool for that with good results myself.
You might be interested in the techniques used to build… The Last Panther in Pomerania by Rhodes Williams Here’s a sample… UPDATE: Sorry, this new bb software really sucks. The FAQ says to use BBCode, which I’m using, but posting changes it into HTML, which doesn’t work. I guess you’ll have to copy and paste the links.
Personally I’d go with the thinning from behind technique.You can punch it through and replicate the metal much better. JMHO