I bought this little punch set way back when. Well, actually not that long ago. I was looking for Paper Punches to use to create Ports in Upper deck bulkheads that would be correct in size. that way, put the Windowmaker in the hole then the P.E. frame and eyebrow in place on the outside of it and Viola’ nice looking port.
Well, like many in this hobby, I get Micro Mark Catalogues. Just happened to get one on the day my old paper punch died on duty and I went to Micheal’s and Hobby Lobby and checked out their craft punches. That Much? No way! Well, even Office Depot or Office Max didn’t have the assorted sizes anymore!
So, Back to Hobby Lobby and then home with my six dollar punch! It worked fine for about a week ad then started to put out mishapen holes. So, I took a break and was reading the M.M. Catalogue. Aha there it was a PUNCH kit. A machined piece of steel and a plexi plate and all the Steel, ( Well Machined) that fit all the holes.
Two Guide pins, but the plexi let you get everything right before tapping the rod down through the hole and making one of two things. A Porthole or a Disc needed for winch drum sides. Or whatever else you are going to use it for.
These little tools, although maybe little used, can be useful for so many things. If you think you need one, check this one out. It’s kinda like a Folding tool though. I have used sharpened Brass tubing of different sizes for the same thing, Many folks have done the same. The folding tool? I now use specially modified tweezers and, for P.E., Pliars. I have a Fold mate and a Fold Boss. Guess what by habit, I use most. A pair of Box cutter knife blades.
Okay, I digress. Did you know there are at least four different brands of Punch sets for modelers? Without paper Punches try these. They work better.
Yes, the one you described is the one I have. Unfortunately it didn’t come in a box and over time I’ve lost half of the pins. I am reminded to get a new one.
I find the thing incredibly useful.
As an example. take a ship ventilator. Usually the kit includes a pin or nub on the bottom of the vertical pipe, and a hole on the deck. Put glue on the end, stick it on.
But the real deal has a flange around the base of it used to bolt it down.
Sand the bottom of the vent pipe square, removing the pin as well. Punch a disk slightly larger than than the pipe and glue it square on the bottom. Then glue it to the deck.
I used to see the Waldron punches advertised in magazines back in the 1970s, and wondered why they were so expensive. Fast forward to the 21st century, and they are still costly but have not really gone up in price like everything else in the hobby.
I was offered round and hex punch sets by my LHS back in the 1990s, and thought why not. After a bit of trepidation, I started using them and found them very useful. The important thing to me about them is that they can easily do things that I could not. I am lousy at slicing even bits of sprue.
Since then I have bought a couple more in different sizes, and one of those beading tools as well, to make dome headed rivets.
So if you tinker and make stuff yourself, they are a good tool to have and are definitely worth the investment.
Figured out how to make rings. Punch the inside hole first.
One other thing. I really hate gluing 20mm cannons to ship decks, esp. the PE ones. They always fall over or at least stand crooked. If you glue them onto a disk on the bench first, it all gets square.
I could always tell if a ventilator or it’s base had been replaced. Firstly the flange would be a different size and or the Top( The Cup or Ear) would be a slightly different configuration. Sometimes with wrinkles from forming which the originals didn’t have.
On this subject. Most of the small guns on our ship did have " Mounting Flanges and Bases" which got welded to the deck. Our sister ship Did NOT have those. Same set-up just different installation methods. It’s kinda like Japanese Fleet colors. Different Yard slightly different shade of paint!