I find that since I started back into modeling, I have been more of a collector. Everytime I go to the hobby store, I find another plane for my collection(of boxes). I am currently finishing a P38 diorama, and I find myself wanting to start on another plane that has been sitting on the model shelf. Are you guys building more than one model at time? Are there any drawbacks to this practice? Sorry for the long post.
I usually have 2-3 models going at a time. Presently I have a 1/35 UH-60, Commando Hummer and a 1/48 F-16. This way when one is drying from painting or glueing, I can work on the other. Or I can just work on one. I plan on slinging the Hummer underneath the UH-60.
You can run, but you will only die tired
Cleared Hot Lead
I have a P-40 and a Typhoon on the bench, being real careful not to mix parts but i might still end up with a merlin powered typhoon.
I mix’em up a bit too. I just finished a '57 chev, but I’ve got a 1/72 Corsair and a 1/48 F-18 on the go as well. I rarely have to ‘wait’ for pieces to dry because I don’t often get more than about 20-30 minutes at the bench, so my reason for multiples is primarily just for variety. Sometimes I get in a ‘prep’ mood and will work for 2 or 3 days (various session) just prepping parts. Other times, for a few days of painting. It’s nice to have several kits on the go when your in one of those ‘moods’.
I usually have severa projects underway at once. I work on assembly while paint jobs are curing and cement is setting up. I figured that was perfectly normal behavior!
I cant lie, I too have several pieces on the bench. Lets see now a 1/48th Tamiya Me 262(almost done), Tamiya F4U-1/2 Corsair and a Black Box inter for a F-16CG(in my cousins markings).
But one of these days I’m gonna mix all the parts together by mistake and get one hellofa strange looking a/c LOL…!!! Flaps up, Mike
I’ve been building models for 22 years. For the last 21 of them I’ve always had 5-6 projects going. Not any more!!! For the last couple of months I have focused on only one at a time. This has allowed me to complete some projects that were long overdue. Now I only have 3 half built kits left. Then I will move on to all the unbuilt kits I have waiting. I’m trying not to purchase any more until I make a dent in the pile[:)].
I have 10 or 12 going at any one time. When I get tired of it or have a problem I move on to another one. I have also turned into a collector. I have between 100 and 150 kits, some 30 years old, waithing to see the light of day. Seems more fun to imagine what they will look like than face reality.
Besides the 82 that I started and put back in the box, and the dozen-ish I have handy to the workbench that are either ALMOST finished or somewhat in-progress that I put away for a while, I usually have several in the works at the same time. Last week I finished Hasegawa’s kate and Nichimo’s Nick a few days apart, while Tamiya’s Skyray’s primer coat dried and I started ProModeler’s P-38 and DML’s Ta-152C. Both those kits turned out to have fit issues that I don’t feel like tackling now, so I shelved the 38 for a while and threw away the 152. Now I’m concentrating on ProModeler’s Ar-234C. The Skyray is still languishing. Warp’s Babylon 5 Whitestar and Agemmemnon are both started and sitting in their boxes next to the workbench, a Verlinden diorama of a B-17 waist gunner is sitting handy to start. Yet another Star Trek kitbash has been started and sidelined for a bit … etc, etc…
I find that when I was younger, I had plenty of time to build models, but not the money to buy them, so I made them one at a time, however now I have the money but not the time. I too have become more of a collector and have so many unbuilt kits in boxes I have lost count. I find that I have several on the go at any one time.
I agree with nzgunnie. When I was younger, I had all the time in the world to work on models, but didn’t have two dimes to rub together. [:(] Now, 20 or 30 years later, I can afford just about any kit I want but I may have to wait 5 years before I can get to it!
[:(] Ironic, isn’t it?
I think i have 10-12 a/c’s half finished at the bench right now. I usually build at the same time. painting and finishing, if possible (especially those interiors in WW2 a/c, engines and tire color). I also make seatbelts (out of masking tape, of course) for at the same time. I think this has a down-side too though. I think its harder to finish a model if you dont concentrate on finishing it.
Thanks guys, I think I am going to start on that Tamiya P51-D now. My biggest concern was that I would never finish anything and I would have a bunch of half built planes that never left the workbench. Another plus the model shelf would have room for that Accurate Miniature B25B Mitchell I want. And the obsession goes on. LOL.
I haven’t finished anything in years, but have about 20 in various stages of collecting dust! I have a scratch built set of 1/48th scale afterburner cans without the “feathers” consisting of 162 pieces each from around 1985 that still needs a whole F-15 to hang on. Then there is the 1/48 “cutaway” B-29 and numerous others. The latest is the 1/35 MRC UH-1C Shark of the 174th AHC, my Unit in Vietnam. Too bad Panda’s UH-1D is a “dog”. Makes Revell’s almost 40 yrs old Huey kit seem like a ProModeler. Last week I was painting the bedroom and trying to fix the dishwasher. But that didn’t stop me from buying 4 more kits at Hobby Lobby’s 1/2 of sale!
i have a 1/72 ta 152 c dragon 1/32 mig 15 trumpeter 1/32 mig 19 trumpeter 1/32 a6m5 revell 1/72 coursair scratchbuild/kitbash with a f6 (yes it looks like a real good coursair) 1/144 scratchbuilt su 27 1/480 tbf
1/700 fulmer
1/700 ark royal(airfix)
and many more
Always more than one. I basically run an “assembly line”. What I do is to build several airplanes that use the same colors. This way I spend a day or two airbrushing many planes and mixing paint only once. Years ago when I built 1/48 airplanes I had over 80 nicely done models on display in my living room.
My answer, YES
Sometimes it’s more efficient to paint 2 projects at once. Also sometimes my interest waivers in and out of a particular subject.
I find that building more than one at a times keeps my interst up. But as a tip, I usually keep the models on plastic tupperware bins. Also put your decals and directions in plastic page protectors. Have fun.
I have three planes going right now. Every time I knock that number I find a few new ones to start. The most I’ve ever had at one was six (to which I said never again). Advantages are, as others have said, you can paint them at the same time, which is what I’m doing with my two german planes now. Also you can work on one while the other dries. Disadvantages for me are sometimes it takes longer to get stuff done this way. I had a number of Navy planes I was going to paint all the same, but it took me four and half years to get all of them to that point. And I can have wavering interest and may not work on a plane for months.
I got so many under construction, I can’t count them all! I started running out of room for my models and also built a lot for Air Force types who flew F-15E Strike Eagles. I also rebuilt and added to the 4th Wing Commanders collection on Seymour Johnson AFB, NC. So I put a lot of models on hold that I had started. That was 4 or 5 years ago! I’ve since retired and begun a new job. So I’ve just recently started to finish all the models that I put aside from lack of space. A Hobby Town here that closed gave me all the glass shelving I could put in my P/U truck. I still have lots of it left, only used two shelves so far! I have 4 1/32 scale F-4’s under construction. 3 1/32 F-15’s, A 1/48 Tigercat, a 1/35 MH-60G, 1/48 F-105D and F-106. Now they’ve come out with a 1/35 MH-60K AND a 1/32 F-105D!!! I still have yet to get the 1/32 A-10A that I’m about to die for!!! I love large scale aircraft. at my age(45), anything large and easy to see is good! !!LOL
NKAWTG (Nobody Kicks A-- Without Tanker Gas)- Nobody!
C. A. Sisco/ TSGT
77 ARS Boom Operator
USAFR Retired