I just received my new FSM today (yeppers it’s called snail mail for a reason) and as I was diligently scoping the new kit report, I came spotted the new Italeri kits. Oh my! an AB43 and an AS 42 Sahariana. Color me tickled pink. I have a resin AS 42 still unbuilt (closet stuffing factor), but you know I’m going to be putting in an immediate order when the Italeri kit becomes available.
My question to my fellow modelers is…what kits in the new kit report (if any) made you jump for joy, or drool profusely?
To be honest, there was nothing. I already have the Tamiya Panzer IV J and that is enough of that series for me and 1200 parts is a bit many. Granted it looks like a very nice kit, but too many in the stash and I need something simple to build. LOL