
Does anyone know if there are models from the Appleseed series? I am looking for either Briareos or the suits they use in the movie. Thanks Carlton

You might try these guys.

Sorry Matt I took a peek and as a long standing follower of Masamune Shirow unfortunatly only the first 2 kits on that list are shirow work the first is Minty Gale in her armor from the Intron Depot art collection and the second is Deunan Knute from Appleseed the"briareos H" I have no idea where that is from but it is Definatly NOT Briareos[:(] The kits marked Dunan Nut are of Soundy Neuman(Sandy in the english translations ) from the Rhea Gall force film by Konichi Sonada I’ll peek through my resources and see if I can find anything. although Hobbylink Japan may be the best bet to at least find what Appleseed kits are out there even if they dont have them in stock I hope this helps TTFN