anyone have pictures of their models

Here’s a couple of mine.

Bf 109:

Porsche 911 GT1:

I can’t access the delete post function. Bad browser.

The delete button isn’t working for me.

Here we go again.

I’m confused,

Are these stealth aircraft?[:)]


You’re right… it doesn’t work. Dude, you need to post your images to a photo host first, such as SnapFish



Yeah I have them hosted. I don’t know why they ain’t working.

Let’s see if this works.

Beautiful job on the car!

Why don´t you publish them at too?

hello is anyone here,… how do we see the pictures?

Well now they’re on my web site. Click on profile for the address.

I have a theory why my earlier pictures wouldn’t post. The link had an equal sign which made the link unreadable. Maybe.


Beautiful PBY4.

Heres one!

You can see the rest at:

Nice work Papa-Echo-64!

Who makes that kit?


Monogram did in 1969…The molds were 85% destroyed in 1977 in that ( ever so popular/ mysterious ) train wreck…when they moved back east. This kit unbuilt runs about 90.00 to 150.00 on ebay its called Rommels Rod.

Great job on yours too! I believe that car came with pr-painted wheels right?..very cool!

Nope. Painting the wheels was much easier than I thought it would be.

Rommell’s Rod reminds me of those Ed "Big Daddy’ Roth Hot Rod kits. I think at least one of those kits was re-issued recently?

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