Anyone familiar with TL-Decals brand decals?

Say, I’m wondering if anyone here has used decals from “TL-Decals.” Wondering if they are worth purchasing, as they are the only 506th Schwere Panzer Abteilung decals I can find in 1:35 scale…

No, but that “rang a bell”.

HeavyArty (Gino) just bought a set for his tanker truck kit. You might check with him once he gets them.


Some time ago I have used their 1/87 Bundeswehr set. I don’t remember having any trouble with them. It’s a German brand mainly producing for the railroaders. A friend of mine also used their decals and never once complained. I think they are all right.

Hope this helps, have a nice day


Thanks, Pawel! I’ll go ahead and give ‘em a try.