anybody ever built a Monogram HE-111?

Well on vacation I was driving around W. Palm Beach trying to find this hobbyshop i saw in FSM catalog.When I got there i went strait to the aircraft section.To my surprise i found a Monogram Heinkle He-111 sitting on the top shelf.the big surprise was it was only $23! when i got home i havent even open the box yet! so i was wondering if anybody has built 1 to give me some pointers and what paint you used and were u got the paint. thanks! -brad[:D]

I’m assuming by the price that it’s the 1:48 scale kit. I just completed that one recently. It’s a fairly good kit overall. A few minor fit issues with nacelles to wings, and wings to fuselage, but nothing too hopeless. Have fun masking that greenhouse! All the RLM colors called for are available, I used Model Master enamels. If you wish, you can see mine at this link:

Built one? Man, I’m so crazy I built two!

On my site you’ll find a box review of the basic He-111 H (on left) and a construction feature on the early He-111 B (on right). I use Gunze-Sangyo and Polly Scale paints for most of my Luftwaffe projects.

This was one of the first kits I built when I got back into the hobby back in '95. I recall it going together easily but I did have a bit of a fit problem with the wings to the fuselage.

I painted mine with Model Master RLM colors.