Any scrap Academy B-24s out there?

Following up on my previous post about broken landing gear, I really do want to have a go at fixing my Dragon B-24. I have a lot of effort invested in him, even used a tech manual to detail the interior, and it’s now really bugging me sitting on the top shelf looking forlorn. And, no the cat isn’t with us anymore (passed of natural causes).

The original kit was the Academy 1/72 B-24 H. What I’m missing are the front turret, left main landing gear leg, wheel, and cover, nose wheel, nose wheel doors, bomb bay doors, and two props. They all went flying when she hit the rug never to be seen again.

I could cannabilize another kit, but just can’t bring myself to do that. Does anybody have a scrapped one laying around I could glean parts from? While the original was Academy, and probably any of the Academy variants would work, I could probably make those from the old Airfix or even Revell ones make do.

I have some spare bits left over from a Hasegawa 1/72 kit that can probably get you a nose turret, nose wheel and bomb bay doors if you don’t mind a mash-up of Hasegawa parts.

That would be a great start! I’ll message you.