Any comprehensive lists of after market manufacturers out there?

I know of many of the more popular: Eduard, Verlinden, and such, but I haven’t been into the modeling scene very actively over the past few years. Just curious to know what’s out there. I should probably preface this by stating I have little if indeed any interest in WWII or Korea/Vietnam era a/c. I’ve been trying to get a silly old Tamiya F-117A done for years now, but I’ve also been looking into some of the very earliest birds as well - from the Wrights into the early stages of WWI.

So at any rate, if there’s a site that I’ve mised with a list of these types of manufacturers, I have yet to find it. :slight_smile:

Thanks if anyone knows more than me (probably a given!)


I’m not aware of such a list, but if you go to a web site such as Squadron & do a search on aircraft accessories, in the scale of your choice, you will get a listing of all of the suppliers & their products that site supports. You’ll have to wade through several pages to see them all. Another possibility is which lists almost all suppliers alphabetically, but they don’t segregate specifically for AM detail suppliers.

Regards, Rick