Hello all, as you can tell i am new to the forum. It has been a great source of information. I have been modeling ww2 aircraft for a few years now and although my skill are getting better, they fall appart when it comes to those wretched antennas. It has got the better of me. I have tryed stretching sprue and i have tried fine copper wire. They sag, they break and look terrible. Any advise on this topic would be appreciated. Thanks Paul
Have a look in the sewing store, or sewing section of a craft store, for transparent nylon thread. It comes in clear and dark… The dark works great.
I use 6lb fishing line for 1/48. Not sure about scale thickness, but it’s the lightest I can get from KMart. It’s a sea water colour, so that saves having to paint it. I’m indebted to a tip I picked up from one of the UK mags - TMMI I think. Glue the line to your anchor point with cyano, measure out & attach to the other anchor point. Don’t worry too much if it’s not tight as a drum. Next light a match, extinguish it, & then hold the head of the match underneath the centre of the line. There’s enough residual warmth in the match head to shrink the line & pull it tight. I would suggest having a few practice go’s though, on something else to perfect it. Too close to the line & it’ll melt through; too far away & it won’t work at all.
Thanks shaun68, wicked tip. Just had a go. Works a treat.
The match trick will also work with stretched sprue, as will a soldering iron or even the smoke from a lit cigarette (if you happen to have that nasty habit.)
I’ve had luck using a super glue accelerator as well. I use the Testors variety, comes with a little eyedropper and is cheap (got mine at Wally World for like a buck something).
Just my [2c]!