Hi guys (I’m assuming everyone is male since I know of no females who model), My name is Andy and I’m from the southeast. Thank God Katrina did not take me, my house or my models!
I serioulsy got into modeling about a year ago. I had been searching for a hobby for a while and I remembered how much I enjoyed it as a kid 25 years ago. Thank God the kits have improved since then, especially the prices! I have come a long way in a year as far as skill and technique but I’m still learning new things all the time. I will mainly use the forum for advice and questions. My improvements are obvious from my first model to my present. I tend to go back to my older one’s and do more work on them as I gain ability. I’m kinda anal that way.
I’m strictly into WWII aircraft and maybe I’ll venture to armor later. That period in history produced so many aircraft for so many purposes and then one day, they didn’t exsist anymore. So many advances in so little time.
Anyway, I know I will enjoy hearing from you all and thanks for all the help I’m sure I will need![:)]