Another new

I am Hubert from Warsaw, Poland.
I focus on ship models (1:400 and bigger) My collection consists of aprox. 50 warships on the shelfs and 60 still in boxes. [:)]
Now I work on Revell’s S-100 and prepare to Tamiya’s Bismarck with Eduard’s photoattaches set.
Kind regards

Hello Hubi,

Glad to see you here! I’m sure your experience will be often called upon, and I hope you are able to get back what you need from this forum. Looking forward to hearing from you again.


Welcome aboard, Hubi. Hope you enjoy the forums. Cant wait to see pics of your work.

Hi Hubi and welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it here…Greg

Welcome to FSM Hubi. Good to see an experienced ship modeller join us here. Enjoy the forums.