Another "Hulk" M1 question!

Went and saw “The Hulk” again (GREAT movie!), and had another question concerning the “M1s” that appear in the film.
We know they are Centurions dressed up as M1s, but in the CG shot (still with Centurion running gear and tracks!) of the Hulk ripping the turret off of one, we get a clear view of the turret basket. How accurate is this for an M1? It’s seems too shallow, but perhaps it is right.

Also, any comments on the amazing tensile strength of that 120mm gun tube? Impressive!
Easily bent, though.

The turret basket is not even close and the gun tube would snap before it bent back that way.

Although I really have no way to prove this, I think that the gun barrel (breech and all) would have pulled out of the turret long before he was able to toss that tank.

I also doubt the crew would have been able to crawl out of that tank after that throw, but this is a great action scene. I loved the whole military chase scene.

Yup, that is great cinematic, comic-style action fun!
By the way, Rob, what does an M1 turret weigh? I’ve heard around 15 tons or so.
That scene (Hulk shaking crew out of turret) would make an EXCELLENT diorama!
And quite a challenge!
You’d have to do a Centurion / M1 conversion, create the dangling crew figures, and make a 1/35 Hulk, if a kit doesn’t already exist.
Cross-genre diorama!

Also, I think the Army should be very proud of the M1’s survivability as portrayed in that film.
Tossed 3 kilometers, and the crew walks away!
It could happen! The sand was soft, the angle was right, and the crew braced themselves! No problem!

I plan on doing a diorama of that scene with the Hulk getting ready to pound an M1 tank. I’m using one of the Hasegawa 1/72 scale kits and a Hulk figure from the Hero Clix. I was considering whether or not to do an Airfix Chieftan dressed to look like an M1 (using Hasegawa parts) , but figured it would be better to just use the inaccurate Hasegawa kit.

I found a Hulk movie storybook with 3 fairly decent shots of him & the tank with enough markings and camouflage schemes for me to extrapolate a good representation. The Hero Clix figure is nicely detailed and pre painted (could stand to be touched up though). He’s about 1½" tall stooped forward walking and measures about 2" tall if you take his stance into consideration. The figure is based on the comic book version, but good enough for me.

Had to check…Our M1-IP’s data plate in the turret list 23 tons. Its bad enough getting bounced aournd the turret by my driver, let alone being thrown by a big green guy!

Oh, man. And I though was only one planning to make a dio out of that scene.

Well, maybe that Commache or Raptor scene, then…

Plenty of great crossover dio ideas from this movie.

The turret alone is 23 tons??!?! That’s an awful lot of turret!

My M-109 (when I was in the army) weighed 26 tons total!!! M-1 talk about heavy metal!!!

If anyone gets their dio done from that scene post it up. I would love to see that