Just thinking of the ‘coup’ a big gathering of models (and possibly members) from this forum would do…! Nothing stopping a number of people, say from the Easy Coast of the US to meet in a regional show. But for people far away, like me, going to the US Nationals (or a similar big show) would be quite something, and something I would not be able to do every year. For most people in Oz, Japan, the Pilippines, Guatemala, Haiti, France, Saudi Arabia that I’ve met up in here, such a big show in the US would be, possibly, a one-in-a-lifetime thingy. I can imagine than most people would want to stay at least a few days to visit something in the area, other than the show itself. For ou guys in the US, coming to, say, the UK Nationals would be a similar kind of treat. Going to Oz or Japan would be the same.
So I still think that we need to make it as awesome as possible. More chances of impressing the IPMS dudes to get the space for our amazing display. And maybe more chances to get some help from FSM or else along the way.
From the above answers, there seem to be a certain interest and willingness to do such a crazy thing after all. So, what about finding out where the 2005 USA Nats are being organised? Is it altready known or do we have to wait 2004 to know? Or is there any other big big show in the US we could do. I mean I can start the ball rolling here in the UK, because I’ve done that before, and know where to go, but I think the first meeting/display has more chances of succeeding in the US, because FSM is from there. Makes more sense. Well, to me anyway! Now if you all want to come to the UK for a little while, just say so.
After finding out about the venue is to decide what kind of display we will want to ‘sell’ to the organisers. The craziest, wackiest the better I think. And would everyone be interested in ‘working’ towards it. Does not mean you can not bring in other models, or enter the comp if you want so, but we still need a great display, made up of models coming from all over the world, to show that we are the biggest scale model club around.
Once we’ve agreed on that, we get a list of people who would be interested in coming along and e-participating (people can join in later of course), and we contact the organisers to propose our little display.
Then there 2 years to glue plastic, save money, get abuse from our spouses, and look out for cheap flights and accommodation. Easy, really!