Here is my Italeri’s Sd. Kfz 10/4 with FLAK. I plan to make my first diorama with it. Some scratchbuld on this one: the guns shoulder straps and the maps.
The Italeri kit is not the same quality as Tamiya or Academy, on some parts , details are excellent and on some others, they are poorly represented. There is some parts very difficult to assemble (not like Tamiya) The final result is still good but you have to work a little harder (which is not bad) That vehicle is a little bit different to build than an armor and I had a hard time installing the tracks.
What I like about that model is the way I made the wind shield, the guns with their straps and the rest is coming up nicely (my first dio)
It may take a little longer to see my next two models, it has around 2000 parts together, both are 3 in 1 kit from Dragon and I think it will come up slower. And damn, I have to finish that CF-18.
man it looks good. Can I suggest something with the rifles? A darker red brown maybe with a light brown thinly painted on there to show the wood grain? I don’t know much about this model, but your weathering looks well done! thanks for sharing
Thanks for comments. I just noticed that I forgot to paint the spotlight and the mirror.
Can I have good results by painting the interior of the spotlight “chrome silver”, then apply a thick drop of Future and then perform weathering on that cured Future?
I’m not sure about WWII lights, but if they’re anything like modern, you’d want to start with silver paint and when that’s dry do a clear purple, red, blue colour on it. Lenses tend to refract a colour of light depending on their location and time of day, angle of the sun… again that’s modern, not too sure about WWII
Great build nad realistic weathering , maps are also great detail that I like ! Just one q … why rifles are so clean vhen wehicle is so dirty … it looks some kind of mission impossible to me ! ???
This is a stunnin’ build Yann, absolutely awesome! I’m tryin’ to recognise the techniques for the weatherin’ you may have used on this project, but for the life of me, I can’t! You’ve made the weatherin’ look so natural, it’s masterful! It’s jus’ like it occurred on the real thing, you sure this isn’t the real thing?
[(-D] Thanks a lot. Seriously there is no micracle there. Just few airbrush, salt chipping technique and lots of drybrushing, simply. I appreciate all your coments guys, thanks.