Amphibious Assault/Command Vehicles

Does anyone know of any kits for the Amphibious Assault, or the Amphibious Command Vehicles. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Not sure which Assault Vehicle your are refering to but given the current situation I am guessing you are talking about the LAV 25 or AAV7A1. Just do a search on your favorite Online Hobby Site or even EBay and you should turn up a few options. I know there are several to chose from. The LAV 25 has serveral MODS and is a very flexable vehicle. The AAV7a1 is a little more difficult to find. Try searching for either Amphibious assault vehicle or Advance Amphibious assault vehicle. Hope this helps![:)]

Italeri makes 2 or 3 different LAV-25s. One is the Anti Tank Version, the other is the Mortar Version, the other is the Pirahhna version. Not sure if Italeri or Tamiya makes that Pirahnna. The other company is Tamiya, and I think they just make a Pirahhna version. All in 1/35

The LAVTP7 is made by Tamiya and is awesome and in 1/35.

I know this off hand because I am getting ready to build an LAV-25 Anti Tank from Italeri and it is on the way now, :slight_smile: I researched around who has what versions. I heard lots of good things about the Italeri, so Im looking forward to building it.

LAVTP7s are also made by Academy and Trumpeter.

I just bought the Academy, supposed to be good.