Amodel is releasing an Antonov An-22 Soviet strategic transport aircraft in 1/72. I have not seen anything about the kits from Amodel. So does anyone have any information about them before I spend this kind of $$$
I have one… It’s been out for a while. Only 200 made for worldwide distribution, so if you have a chance and the desire, nab one. I paid $180 for mine at Linden Hill. Worth it? You’d have to be the judge of that. The thing is HUGE! Wingspan about 38" (97cm). Contains about 560 parts. Major components (fuselage, wings, horizontal stab.) made from some epoxy-resin-fiberglas stuff. Looks a little like the “silver” plastic airplane kits used to be molded in. All other parts are white or clear styrene. A little on the crude side; I guess about average for a limited release kit. Seperate control surfaces except rudders, interior with overhead cranes. Cargo floor, ceiling and walls are vacuformed. Markings for 2 a/c, 1 Aeroflot and one camo. I started mine but set it aside when my Trumpeter Bear came to my door. I’ll pick it up again as soon as the Bear is finished.
I don’t know if you’ve used HobbyTerra before, but I’ve had good service from them. I got my last order from them in 9 days; this huge An-22 kit may take a little longer…