AMG 1/72nd Bf 109B-1 Completed page 3

I had been wanting to get some early 109’s for ages. Originally i had planned on getting the Avis kits. But when AMG brought out there’s, i decided to opt for one of those. Decided to try the B-1 first.

Kits come with PE, mask and one small piece of resin, so this will be an OOB build.

After painting with Xtracolor, i used some flory wash and then added some light dry brushing.

Cockpit was fitted after adding PE seatbelts and decals for instruments.

Fuselage then went together and wings added. Fit is pretty nice.

The rear of the centre wing section needed a little sanding. And of course i over did it and had to fill a bit. The lower wing doesn’t join the top along the back edge, but just ahead of the flaps. Buts its better than in the review i had read.

I rather like the molded on detail of the engine. I won’t be having it open on this, but i do plan on getting some more of their early kits so will show it off on one of those.

Thats all for now. More soon.

Following. Their 1/48 kits are fantastic.

Cheers Chad. This is the first of theres i have had. Will be getting more, planning on getting the new C-1 boxing with Legion Condor markings.

Off to an amazing start there Bish. The pit looks great, and nicely detailed. I’ll be along for the ride.

Cheers Drifter, glad to have you along.

Looks great, the detail is fantastic. Never heard of that company. Looking forward to your build.

Cheers Paladin. They are from the Ukraine and only seem to have been around a few years. They don’t have a large range from what i can tell.

Again…amazing what you do with those 1/72 scale kits. Awesome work Bish!

That looks really nice Bish! I hadn’t heard of the company before either. I just looked them up on Scalemates and they seem to have some interesting subjects that I’d like to add to the stash. And the detail on that engine looks great! I had to double check that this was 1/72. I’d like to see how you show one off later on

I’m really impressed with the level of detail that’s in the box on this kit. Looking very much forward to more Bish!

Cheers guys. I to really like the detail thats in the kit,would not have expected that from a new smaller company. I deffinetly plan on getting an A, C and D to go with this. I have realised i need to add one thing, the gun sight. Fortunatly i have some of the Quickboost resin ones.

Bob, there are some other bits that can be added to the engine but i left those off. But the upper engine covers come in 2 halves, they are a bit thick with no inside detail, but i think they could be made to look nice if you wanted them open. I think the engine would look good with just a little extra added.

I’ll be following along to get your thoughts on this kit. I’ve got the same kit, but in 1/48. And like you, I wanted an early model 109. Looks great so far!

Bruce, the building is almost done and i am very pleased with it. Some of the joins are a little ragged, sort of feels like a short run kit. A couple of bits on the instructions are wrong, they had the exhausts numbered the wrong way round. But nice detail, accurate from what info i have. Its certainly has not puting me off wanting to get their other versions.

Look forward to seeing it in 48th.

for a small kit its pretty loaded.

I agree, rivals any other i have done.

Any more on this one Martin?

Not just yet Joe. Just putting the last bits together. Then going to work on the He 111 and then i can prime and paint both together. Should be able to do that at the weekend.

Construction on the 109 was done by the middle of last week, just getting the 111 done and then i can paint. Fit has been good with one exception, the radiator. The rad itself fits onto the nose and then the 2 piece cover goes on. Even after the covers were thinned there was still a big gap. I clamped and used super glue and left it over night, there was still a gap but small enoug to fill.

The canopy masking was a bit tricky. The mask is similar to Montex, which i am not a fan of. And the canopy has next to no frameing so its tricky to figure out where to put the masks.

Hopefully should be able to get some paint on before the week is out. Just need to remember to mask the pit and wheel wells.

Looking great Bish! I have to hand it to you for working with 1/72 scale kits. My big ol’ meat claws would not work with such small details. Did this kit come with any type of canopy masking?

You are the first person I have seen put together an AMG kit. Your thoughts so far on it compared to a AirFix kit? Or is it still to early to say?

Again, amazing work on her!