Almost There

The Regulus is about 95% done and by the end of the week it should be in place on the diorama[8D] The hardest part of the decaling was the panel lines on the wings[:(] The launcher it is mounted on was scratch built from a photograph and is operational (manually) to raise and lower it[:p]

I am really looking forward to the completion[8D]


Looking good, Richard.
Can’t wait to see the finished dio.

Way to go rich,
Looking to seeing the whole Pie… Bthe way nice looking launcher. looks very real. The preview of your dio. looks great and very realistic. Great job.
Glen S

Can’t wait to see the Dio. Nice work!

Regarsd, Rick


Richard -

Fantastic! Did you say earlier those decals were commercial?


nice looking rig


Thank you all and the diorama is not far away.


richard outstanding work.


Very nice work mate. The hard work has really paid off. Can’t wait to see your diorama.

Looks sharp so far.

Beautiful work on an interesting subject!
I’m following along with this build and am saving some photos. Can’t wait to see it all come together. [tup]

A great display of modeling skill there Richard!

Are the JATO’s scratch built also?


Thanks all. Yes Stinger, JATOS are scratch built also.


Very cool! You’ve done a great job with this one, that’s for sure. Thanks for sharing.