I don’t know why but I feel not very satisfied with this model. It still have a kind of shinny look even after the flat coat so I may add another one. I tought I couldn’t do much weathering since they came so late during the war so that’s why it looks so dark (not so blemish by the sun and greasy enough) One problem I have is the tickness of the Academy decals. I don’t know how to make these contours disappear, any suggestion is welcome.
I don’t know what to do to love that kit??? It looks like it’s missing something!
Well, it does look quite dark. I’d lighten the tones anyways. Use the pretense of scale lighting [:)]
The weathering is nice and subtle, so I’m not sure what else you can add, except maybe more pronounced drybrushing to bring out some edges. This thing is all boxes and angles, and I’d try to enhance some of that.
And its not just numbers for the sake of numbers…you are putting out top-notch quality stuff on an almost weekly basis. I love this old hunk of metal. The dark tones dont seem to bother me, and the slight sheen gives it a metallic look. I can almost smell the rust.
Remind me never to declare war on you…your factories could outproduce me all day long.
I work on my models everyday from 8 pm to midnight and some paint job early in the morning before going to work and sometimes a little bit during lunch time and some paint job also when I come back of work just before supper. Otherwise, I spend most of my time with my childrens and weekends are for renos and outside work when it is not rainy. Of course I cheat a little bit at work and do spend some time lurking at this forum while I’m working between two phone calls … shame on me.
The fast rate of model production may also be explained by the fact that I work on one model at a time and not 3 or 4 like some of you.
And yes you should be scared to death cause my project is to make a really big arsenal so no one would dare to attack me.[;)]
Thanks for the comments, I may start to like it a bit. I noticed something dough. The way I light up my models for photography always accentuate the shinnyness (is that a word?) But I really don’t like those decals.
I’m not too sure about accentuating the raise lines with lighter color. If I look at some excavation machinery around here, the decoloration is usually visible on large areas not on raised lines.
Hi Yann: It looks nice. There’s one item you might want to attend to. There are tabs that are part of the molding process that you forgot to remove on the bottom of your suspension units. The suspension looks like this:
Looks absolutely beautiful! Heavy weathering would not be too out of place on these vehicles as thay participated in the whole North West European (a very muddy dirty place for all AFV,s in photos)campaign from Normandy to VE Day. I personally like using Polly Scale “Dust” to tone done colors that look too bright or strong to me. A photo of this particular M-12 in Squadron’s “US Self Propeled Guns in Action” shows it heavily coated in mud on the suspension and lower/rear sides. Keep up the great work!