Hello All!
I refinished a DC-9-50 conversion I made over 40 years ago. The bird was in pieces, paint yellowed, and just an overall mess. First off, this was the product of two Aurora Hughes Airwest kits - mainly for the fuselages. Plugs were put into the primary fuselage and wings were extended 6 scale feet at the wing root area. Vortilons were also scratch built and applied.
Paints are all Tamiya. 4 shades of red needed to be custom mixed until they agreed with an old Allegheny ticket envelope that I have. That part was tedious. The base is a round piece of pine wood with 3/8" acrylic rods made into a support cradle. Airline base logo created using Oracle vinyl via my Silhoutte Cameo vinyl cutting machine. In fact, templates were made for the “Allegheny” and the “N-Number” and airbrushed on. Window decals from Authentic-Airliners.
IMG_8302 by Fuzznoggin, on Flickr
IMG_8300 by Fuzznoggin, on Flickr
IMG_8306 by Fuzznoggin, on Flickr
IMG_8308 by Fuzznoggin, on Flickr
IMG_8305 by Fuzznoggin, on Flickr
IMG_E8488 by Fuzznoggin, on Flickr