I am getting ready to start on my next project, Tamiya’s big 1/32 P-51D Mustang. Looking through my inventory of paint, I noticed that I am out of some of the colors I am going to need to even get started on this warbird.
Typically I have used Vallejo paints for most of my recent builds, but I noticed some of the exact colors that I need in the AK Interactive line. ScaleHobbyist.com (where I am researching color selections) indicates these paints are lacquer-based.
Anyone who has used these, is there anything I would need to do prior to laying down a lacquer-based paint? Do I need to put down a good primer coat? (I am looking at interior colors in this line, so an interior green, a green zinc chromate, an interior yellow green…) Exterior colors will probably come out of my current inventory of paints, most likely Alclads but I also have an AK Interactive metal paint.