Airfix Tucano

I have built this kit as per the box artwork and have bought another kit to depict the alternative scheme which is an overall 50/50 mix of Humbrols No. 15 and 14. Is this correct as I cannot as yet find any picture reference to clarify this. It looks wierd to say the least! Many thanks for any enlightenment on this folks. [:D]

I think most of the tucano fleet is now painted gloss black .
When first introduced, the fleet was in the usual red / white training colours

If you check and use the search option for ‘other shorts’, there are some nice shots of both schemes there.

Cheers, oggy4624!
That was just what I needed. Many thanks for that. The colour is bang on!
This is the first time I’ve used this forum. I’m well impressed.
Happy New Year!

All RAF training aircraft (except choppers) are now gloss black.Apparently it makes them easier to see at long distances.