I’ve been collecting the Airfix airfield equipment with an eye towards building the whole set, and have been doing some research. There are apparently some issues particularly with the earlier sets, but nothing that can’t be handled with a little (1/72) scratch building. The big exception to that is the Bedford tractor unit for the Queen Mary trailer which is scaled way to small, like 1/95, for some hard to fathom reason lost to time. Has anybody found a solution? Is the base vehicle available somewhere for modification to the Bedford OX? My research so far hasn’t turned up a fix, but maybe I just haven’t looked in the right places.
Oxford Diecasts have a Oxford Diecast Bedford OX Queen Mary Trailer RAF 108
Caution these are 1/76th scale, & I don’t know how they are regarded for accuracy.
I think there were MAFVA plans available & certainly in the old Airfix Mag and Airfix RAF Vehicles book.
Bedford Queen Mary Reference pics
Good luck
Yes, remember, regardless of what “scale” Airfix currently lists on these old kits, they are 1/76 and not 1/72.
Yes, I’m aware of the 1/76:1/72 issue with the older Airfix kits. Apparently somebody actually took them to court over it quite some years ago.
I ran across a reference to building a Commer tractor for the Queen Mary in a 1978 Airfix book on RAF Vehicles which I found on Amazon and is winging its way to me. The whole book looks very interesting.
As an aside, apparently while the Austin K2 in the Emergency Set is considered pretty good, but the fire tender that accompanies it bears little resemblance to any WWII vehicle.
I have that book… [:D]
as near as I unreliably remember the K6 fire tender was post-war?
A few links to pique your interest (I don’t do micro-dot scale, but hace seen the millicast stuff!)
I want one of these in 1/48th though
I did finally run across a picture of one of the K6 tenders like the Airfix Kit, from the late 40’s apparently. Thanks very much for the Matador and Parkinson’s links, very interesting.