aircraft munitions

Is there any reference material available giving visual depictions [in color] of aircraft ordinance from all eras and all countries, what aircraft carried them, maximum loads, etc.,etc. ?

The only reference I’ve ever seen of that type was from Jane’s, but it was a military issue reference, and may not be commercially available. Also, most of the pics were still b/w. You might be able to find an old copy at a bookstore or online, though.


  • Snacko

Bill Guston wrote a general book that covers from WWI through the modern era. It was hard to find, but I bought it when I was doing research for loadout info for a flight sim I was helping to improve. Unfortunately-- the book’s real emphasis is on the modern munitions and spends very little time on WWII (where I needed it most) and WWI.

When I get home, I can get you the title and ISBN number…I seem to recall it being out of print but amazon found it for me using it’s private bookseller service.

OK…this looks to be what you might want. The early eras (from WWI to 1950 are a bit scarce on the pics-- but if the Korean War onward to now is your thing, then this one’s for you…well-- except for the most modern of weapons like MOAB-- the book was published in 1988-- but it does have all the many different countries and great color pics of the bombs, rockets, missiles, etc.

Author: Bill Gunston
Title: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft Armament: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Airborne Weapons and Sensing Systems, Their Operating Principles, and Tactical Deployment.
(wow-- thats quite a title…)

ISBN: 0-517-56607-9

While I wouldn’t stake my life on his written data (I have seen many times before where Mr. Gunston screwed up WWII data)-- if it’s pics you want-- this has 'em. And the planes that carried them :slight_smile:

“The Illustrated Guide to Airborne Missles” by Salamader Press. I believe it’s out of print. But check your local library. Most libraries have at least one in thier system.
Bernie the K.
St. Paul, MN