Airbrushing Rubber Treads

Last ngiht I tried to airbrush with acrylics for the first time. I was trying to coat two rubber tank treads with some black acrylic paint. But the paint beaded up on the treads, like water on a freashly waxed car. I know adding soap will mitigate this effect, but I am afraid it will also cause my paint to foam as it goes through the airbrush. Is there some other way to airbrush rubber treads with acrylics? I was thinking adding bleach?? Or is it better to coat them with Future and then with whatever paint you want?

Did you wash the rubber treads before painting? Sounds like there is some sort of oil or wax on the treads.

Probably either exuded plasticizer or mold release on the treads—to be expected with rubber treads. Wash thoroughly (try Windex, too). Wipe down with alcohol just before painting.

Add about one drop of soap or detergent to a batch of thinned paint for airbrushing—not enough to foam.

I washed them in detergent and warm water, and then soaked hem in IPA for a few mins. I think that I will try a thin coat of Future, then the paint. Thanks for your tips, I never thought of the plasticizers leaking out.