
I have a badger 155 anthem. I am new to airbrushing. I want to recreate luftwaffe camo in 1/48 scale. I cant seem to get the airbrush to maker a spot smaller than a dime? How do I do really fine work with an airbrush?

I always masked the patterns i wanted for ME-109 splinter camo. Im no expert in airbrushing, by any means, i could use some tips myself…but, what do you have in mind that you want to do with it?

I think he wants to recreate the mottle…
Here’s what you do. You have to thin the paints a little more than normal, and turn the air pressure down. THen get the needle so it’ll only let a little paint out. Get pretty close to the subject, somewhere around 3 inches. then give short bursts. But remember, you must practice first! Try different techniques, do what will work for you. And good luck. Make sure to post results!!!

I have the same airbrush. What I will sometimes do is loosen the screw on the needle, back it out a hair and tighten the screw again. Then when you spray use little short shots and don’t pull back on the needle. Essentially you have temporary turned the double action airbrush into a single action airbrush. Just do a few test shots on a milk bottle or something like that, don’t use paper, to see the size of the mottle and adjust the needle position. But to give you an idea…. it will just barley be moved when you back it out a bit. Thin the paint like radmax said and build the color up if need be.

Get really close and practice pulling the trigger back slightly.
Push down on the trigger and slowly pull it back and practice, practice, practice!

Thank you. I will try that. What is the distance I want with the needle sticking out the front?

Why do I get so much spatter?

I use testors model master acrylics for no particular reason…Are they good or do you reccommend acrylics?

My gluing is messy and my canopies often get gummy…what can I do…?

Im an amateur driven to be great one day at 1/48th scale WW2 aircraft. any help would be appreciated. im not doing so good on panel washes either…

I see your many articles So thats why I am asking so many questions!!

the needle sticks out just a little,it should have been set up when you bought it(i have a 155 also)

as for the spatter,it sounds like the paint is too thick,try thinning it to the consistencey of milk,or wine,it should hold itself to the jar for just a little bit before it starts to settle back down,check your air pressure to make sure that it’s not too high…you need about 15-20 psi at the max.

i use the model master acrylics as well as the enamels and both seem to do a great job

the panel washes i had a hard time with at first,it’s just a practice makes perfect type of deal,you’ll be great in time,just be patient and practice

also,on the canopies,use white glue(elmers) or another type of water basedclear drying,testors makes a great bottle with a precision tip

thank you…what do you mean build the color up?

Yes the mottle. I tried what you said on an hasagawa 1/48 234b worked ok but spatter was too high. can you give advice on that?