I just received the airbrush kit I ordered, and the quest for a suitable compressor continues. I’ve read through several posts, and erock68 had a picture of a Campbell Hausfeld 2-Gallon Air Compressor that he uses. doesn’t seem too bad for 100 bucks, plus i can use it for other applications other than airbrushing if need be.
I’m considering noise issues though, and some of you have mentioned setting up the compressor in the basement, and running up the hose to the spraying area. My question is, since for my specific location i would need a hose close to 25 feet long ( i dont’ even know if they make them that big) will the air pressure drop the longer the hose is? so if the compressor is set for say 20 psi, when all said and done, and the spray comes out of the airbrush, will it come out at 15 or so psi?
Use pvc pipe instead of hose to plumb it. Put your regulator close to your workspace and the pressure that comes out of your hose will be regulated at that end, not at the tank. Also having the regulator at your workspace gives the air time to cool down and any moisture condense, your water trap will be more effective. I don’t have one at home, but I use one for my work and that 's the setup we have. We never get water our tools or nozzles and have as much or as little as we need.
Not a bit! You could make the airhose 200’ long and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference, except that water would have a long distance to get trapped in. [:D]
I would just run a regular air hose from the compressor to where you are painting and put the regulator next to where you are painting as maddafinga suggested.