Air Brush Cleaning

Hi everyone…hope someone has an answer.
Just bought an Aztek 4703 airbrush. Like how it performs but I do have a cleaning question. I am using Modelmaster enamels
and am using Testors thinner to clean the paint cup, then run some thinner through the nozzle to clean it. My question is in two parts:

  1. Is there a less-expensive item I can use to substitute for the Testors thinner? I use Ace Hardware’s brand of Lacquer Thinner on my regular brushes. Can I use this on my airbrush?
  2. The instructions show the nozzle and cup in a container to soak. What do I use to soak…Thinner? Water? Lacquer Thinner? Thanks for your help!

I use lacquer thinner for cleaning my Aztec 470 airbrush, that includes the nozzel, the paint cup and every other part that needs it. I don’t soak it, I just take the nozzle apart (be gentle with the needle and spring) and brush it off with an old fat watercolor brush, put it back together and blow some lacquer thinner through it. Been doing this now for over a year without any problems. I use plain old hardware store lacquer thinner I buy in a gallon can.


Tom gives an excellent how-to for cleaning the Aztec 470. I have one too, and do almost the same, except I’m too lazy to take the nozzle apart so I soak it in a sealed jar of laquer thinner overnight, then reassemble and blow laquer thinner through the sucker at 30-50 psi. I use the siphon jars rather than the cups, and I always have a full jar of laquer thinner ready for cleaning up after every use. Laquer thinner is dead cheap if you buy it by the gallon, as Tom suggests. Use a respirator and ventilate well!

Thanks for the advice…really appreciate it! I was afraid lacquer thinner would be too strong. Thanks again!!!

The shopkeeper at the hobby shop warned me against using other forms
of industrial thinner. One of my modeling friend said that they are okay.
It’s too expensive to use modeling thinners for cleaning he said.
Well I guess I’ll not try the industrial type thinner for now if my airbrush is still quite new or expensive.

Since I only use Humbrol or Modelmaster enamels, I only use good old
hardware store laquer thinner both for thinning the paint and cleaning the airbrush. I also keep a siphon jar full of laquer thinner for quick color changes
while painting. I just back the needle out and push it back and forth while spraying into another jar. The airbrush stays very clean and I rarely have to
disassemble it for cleaning.

i am using model master acryl in my aztec. I am having some problems. Is it OK to soak the nozzle in a jar of isopropyl alcohol, or is it better to use Jack Daniels?