I once recall seeing photos of an Apache in Iraq in a gray color. I can’t recall if it was a A’ or D’ model. So I’m hoping someone could answer two questions for me. First I’m planning on doing a 1/32 Revell Apache. I have all the aftermarket goodies, but I would like to paint it in the gray color but I’m not sure if it’s the A’or D’. Secondly, Does any one have info an the Apaches painted in gray over in Iraq or Afgan.
Hey Joe,
The gray ones were from SCANG who had them painted that way at a USMC depot in SC. They are the only unit to have done it. I believe they were all A models as well. Take a look at one of CobraHistorian’s post (he will probably be along to answer soon on this one as well), he has a drawing of a gray Apache in his signature block. Someone at Armorama had pics of them in his gallery as well, can’t find it since the migration to the new server though.
Firstly, welcome to the forum! Gino’s got it, the 1-151st Aviation of the SC ARNG flies the gray Apaches. Two of my buddies here at flight school are in that unit. They fly A models, but they are extremely late ones. The one profiled in my book is 94-0332, from the last production block of US A models. I’m slowly but surely working on a Revell 32nd scale kit that I’ll be building as one bird from this unit as well. It won’t be 332, but another bird with similar, but more interesting markings.
There have been rumblings that the gray scheme may go Army-wide. I certainly hope so, as they’re a LOT harder to see than a great green hole in the sky coming towards you!
Thanks Gino and Jon,
Jon so I’m able to use the Revell kit. I’m also using Verlinden detail set along with Eduards Apache exterior set. Is there any chance of getting some marking and tail numbers, and what shade of gray should I use. Oh your book, is it available.
The book is available at most booksellers. It is Osprey’s Combat Aircraft series Vol 57: AH-64 Apache Units of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The 151st birds had sharkmouths on them. The most publicized bird from the unit is 332, here’s a right side shot of it. Currently there are no decals for any of these birds. Trigger and I have been working to get some cranked out. If you notice, the font on both the UNITED STATES ARMY and on the tail number is the newer AH-64D-style Helvetica font.
As for the shades, I would use standard USMC colors over a helo drab base. These birds were originally painted Helo Drab and then the grays were added over it, which caused some weight and balance issues. The base of Helo Drab probably altered the true coloring of the bird then. The USMC Cobra colors are FS36375 for the light gray and FS35237 for the darker.
Hope that helps!

Thanks Jon, now I can start working on her. If you don’t mind I’d like to buy a set of your decals if you do get them out. I’ll be looking for the book as well. Hope things are going smooth at flight school.