Does anyone know of good reference photos for the whiskey Cobra? The Cobra walkaround book has some but not a whole lot of the cockpit.
Check Six!
Does anyone know of good reference photos for the whiskey Cobra? The Cobra walkaround book has some but not a whole lot of the cockpit.
Check Six!
Several web sites are available; not sure if you want just cockpit or other items. I found most of these in a few minutes by going to Google. Sorry, finding a cockpit photo is a real bear. Hope these sites help.
I don’t know if this book is still available, but Aerofax Datagraph 4 Bell AH-1 Cobra variants has very good color & b&w photos of cockpits. Motorbooks INT. distributed it. Try them, or the publisher, Aerofax, Inc.P.O Box 200006 Arlington, Texas 76006, Phone 214 647 1105. Good luck.If you e-mail me with your e-mail, I’ll try to scan and mail you some of the photos.
If all else fails, click on MY link (above)…
FITTER out [B)]
Appreciate all the help.
Let’s face it Wayne, you’re not gonna finish the Whiskey Cobra by the deadline so just go up to Aviation World and buy a book. Or maybe you’ll find one at the show! [;)]
Fade to Black…
Nuff said!
That will be just about enough out of you Mr. Blackwolfscd! Cut it out or I shall taunt you a second time. : )
Mr. Wayners,
I release unpleasant oderiferous emanations in your general direction! [;)]
Fade to Black…
But Fitter,
Don’t you have any cockpit photos?
Mk IV[:D]
P.S. GT 40s 4ever…
FITTER, I feel kinda stupid asking this question, but is that an ejection handle in the pilot’s cockpit photo? I know the military was debating the feasibility of giving the pilots the oppertunity to eject, but I’d never heard anymore of it. Thanks.
Semper Fi
I don’t think a ejection seat would work in a helicopter, unless the pilot wants a
quick haircut! LOL The rotor blades would deminish the efectiveness of the seat!
I didn’t think so either prowler. I’ve seen pics of people chopped up by helo blades. It isn’t a pretty sight. The thing I heard about before was the possibility of shooting off the blades and then ejecting. It might work, but I wouldn’t want to be the one to test it. LOL.
Semper Fi
Good question. While ejection seats ARE feasible for use in rotary-wing aircraft (witness the Kamov Ka-52), the Cobra helicopters do no have this feature. The yellow handles you see are emergency canopy releases.
LMAO@MkIV! Something familiar about that name… hmmmm
Actually the emergency canopy release is DET CORD embedded around the frame in a small groove. If the aircraft rolls on the side where the canopy door is located, the pilot can twist the canopy ejection handle and blow the windows out with the DET CORD shape charge. If that does not work, because of a break in teh DET CORD, each aircraft has a small hammer/knife to break the plexiglas and exit the aircraft.
The ah-1w super cobra is not equiped with ejection seats. It has been found nearly impossible to create a system that will release the blades to allow a clean ejection. Not even the new ah-1z cobra or camanche will have ejection seats. If they are under dead man’s curve they are [expletive deleted --Ed.], pure and simple.
Sorry, folks, I had to edit the preceding post a bit; I’m sure the poster didn’t mean to offend anybody. Please note the separate post I’ve just made regarding language in these forums: