ok, a little late n this one

but its the french
charron girardot voigt (CGV) la maquette built in 1904

to answer hit the email button at the bottom of my post

ok, to get everyone back in the swing of things, I have picked one of the most obscure I could find:
end time will be friday morning


Correct guessers:

as a side note: I picked it from one of my “obscure vehicle sites”, and searched it on the net and found it nowhere else…[}:)]

Your picture is clearly of a new model SUV (due for release in the 2006 production year) being put through its paces at GM’s secret test track. Note the thin tires designed to improve fuel economy…

nope, its a new class of vehicle altogether. the “get out of my way if you don’t want to get crunched” class [:D][:D][:D]

i have seen this. dont know where but i do know i have seen it.


Back when they were shooting tourists here in Florida, we’d see those in the rental car places with stickers on the window that said, “See Florida like a Native” [;)]

Why that’s the infamous “Polska-Kiabasa” armored meat delivery wagon used during the first war.

Don’t let him fool you, it’s one of those tin toys from the 50’s & 60’s.

No no no! I think one of these ran into the back of my legs at the supermarket the other day

Looks like something my wife, and daughter, should be driving. semper fi, mike

This is that ice-cream truck always stops outside the park across my apartment. The driver always play the music ‘Old Zip Coon’. The turret on top is armed with water cannon to spray water to cool off kids in the park. It also fires AP Sabot rounds to destory those Dr. Atkin low-carb diet supporters.

come on, only one guess so far…

I don’t have a clue. It almost looks like a mechanical toy.

The front wheels are on something – are those part of the actual vehicle or just coincidental. Perhaps some crude skiis? Is it French, Russian or Japanese? I honestly don’t know… [%-)]

ok, David, a hint just for you: its haitian…[:D][;)][:D]

I think it’s some kind of kit bash and he’s fooling with us (can’t get the smilie list up so wink-wink)

…and I have a pontoon boat dealership in Tibet I can sell you. [:p]

Just kidding…I still have no idea. Haitian is the last, err…change that to…I would have never thought Haitian.

I’ll take it!!!

Are you sure the water cannon isn’t to keep the kids with no money away, and youl’l notice that as usual they dont have any fudgsicles!!!

Hey, I thought no hints !

I saw it in my dad’s driveway when i was learning to drive. After I got my license, he said “Here son, It’s all yours.”