after market tracks

i hate the factory trcks on most armor you know the ones that you have to weld together with a hot screwdriver ( and i ruin )

i don’t mind the factory links though

my question is ( and this is not a question of accuracy)

of all the a/m tracks out there

freuil, afv club, and the rest of them

whose is the easyist to use

Two suggestions:

  1. very accurate: resin clickable links by WW2Productions (Australia), Lionmarc Model Designs (HK), some others

2 ) Accurate Armour resin length tracks: use a hair dryer to form them into place.

Here’s something that can be helpful


I’ve tried most of the AM tracks, and the Friul tracks are the easiest (in my opinion) to use. Plus, they look great, especially if you need a lot of sag, like on a KV or Panzer III/IV. To top it off, you don’t have to worry about them breaking, since they are metal and wired together. Hope this helps…