After Market M1-A1 Abrams Parts and Pieces

Hi all,

I just bought an Academy M1-A1 Abrams kit, and having looked at the parts tree, I am not too impressed with various pieces of this model that depict perhaps the most devistating piece of field armor ever sent into battle.

Specifically, I am looking for after market guns, decals, tank crew figurines, and equpiment pieces often found on Uncle Sugar’s Battle Beast.

If any one knows of an after market kit, website, or has any suggestions, I would be greatly appreciative.

First of all, the rankings of M1A1 tank kits in 1/35 scale go thus:

  1. Trumpeter M1A1 (various versions with & without mine plow or roller)
  2. DML M1A1 (various versions with crew/interior, mine plow, USMC)
  3. Tamiya M1A1 (with and without mine plow)
  4. Academy M1A1 (poor Tamiya copy)
  5. Esci M1A1 (OOP and we’re happy that it’s gone)

One problem with the Academy tracks is that the center guides are in the middle of the track pad instead of straddling two adjacent pads (tracks are the early type that started getting phased out in 1989-90, but still can be found). Eduard does a photo etch set specifically for the Academy kit (35057), replace the tracks with the AFV Club ones. Verlinden made an interior for the kit (#621) too, but it is OOP.

Model Point has just come out with a new 120mm gun tube. I have not seen it, but word is that it is nicely done. DML makes a set of M1A1 tank crewmen (3520). It is the same crew that comes with one of their M1A1 kits.

As far as gear, there are several modern accessory sets by various manufacturers that will work with the kit.

I agree on the assessment of the academy model. It does not seem to have alot of detail on the exterior hull and such, and you’re right about the tracks, not exactly the best.

Unfortunately, or fortunately in any case, part of the challenge is to fix, correct, modify, or scratch build things to bring em up to standard. I guess the academy model does leave alot to be desired, and I appreciate the info on the after market parts.


where is the best place to look for and buy the acc. kits and figures you just mentioned?

Its hard to find everything for the armor kits. I searched for those kits and did find the Eduard kit, but that was it… none of the other accessory kits you mentioned. If you had not said the manufacterer and model numbers, how would you go about finding those kits?

Is there a tell all modelling store online to look stuff up. Even if its too expensive to purchase from, it could still be used for reference.

I use squadron and that is pretty extensive, but would you have another?

Ok, other than the OOP Verlinden interior, are there any Abrams interiors available? I’ve got a Tamiya and a Trumpeter Abrams waiting for interiors.
Doesn’t the DML M1A2 come with a crew and an interior? Got one of those coming too barring anything unforseen on ebay! Also, what’s a good source for bumper codes?
