This is going to be a really stupid question given i have been building models for almost 40 years but here goes.
I have ALWAYS used enamel paints but I am wanting to start using acrylics due to the fumes etc of the enamels.
I went out and brought a massive set of Scale75 paints thinking this will have me covered with all colours but what I found is that they are all flat with no gloss at all.
My question is, are their paint brands that offer gloss acrylics?
I have tried the Tamiya acrylic but there is still a smell with them which i want to avoid.
When I want acrylic gloss, I use Tamiya or I clear coat. But there are a few other brands around. I know that Testors square bottle acrylic model paints offers gloss. But have no idea how good they might be.
I actually have used quite a bit of clear coated craft paints. Though lately I’ve been back on lacquers and enamels.
If you can’t find Future floor polish (or whatever it is called now) for a gloss coat, Holloway House Quick Shine - available at Lowes, Home Depot, or many big box stores makes an excellent hard gloss coat. 27 oz for less than 9 bux.
To go with a product with a model manufacturer’s logo, AK Interactive Intermediate Gauzy Agent is a good acrylic gloss item. Small bottles get more expensive.
Scale Colors Paints makes several products in Gloss, Satin, and Matte finish. They brush (keep a wet edge) and airbrush well
These are all acrylic products. You can mix your Scale 75 paint with them for your desired level of opacity and gloss
My favourite Acrylic finishes are Windsor & Newton Galleria, in Mat, Satin and Gloss, from the Art shops.
I find them the least problematical for me.
Tamiya X range are gloss, Tamiya XF are flat, but the if smell isn’t to your liking…
Hannants XtraAcrylics are acrylics, with a semi gloss sheen, may be hard to get outside the UK though.
Since you have invested in a range of paints, get to know then & get used to using them.
With any experiments using non-brand finishes over (or in) your paint, always experiment on a non-important model, and NEVER mix untested in your airbrush! (Vallejo + IPA/alcohol = rubbery goop!)
Broadly, most acrylics are flat, but your technique & thinning/additive mediums will affect the finish.
You can add gloss/semi gloss to acrylics to increase shine, at the expense of opacity, sometines to get that translucent effect on purpose.
I have used Future with Badger StyNylRes primer, it gave a nice sheen, and hardened the finish against handling as well.
There is a difference between marker peens and paint pens. I find both are useful. Some marking pens put down a neat transparent color on glossy material.
Tamiya X and XF series are my favorite acrylic paints. Yes, there is some odor but it isn’t bad. All paints have some odor. If you want gloss acrylic paints, this is the option I would pick.
Every other brand of acrylic paint I have used all have a matte finish. I don’t know why, they just do. I have started to use Vallejo acrylics a bit, but mainly when I don’t need a gloss finish.
Now if you want to stick with Scale75 or other paints that don’t smell, but you want a gloss option, I would buy the Tamiya acrylic gloss clear. I forgot the number, X-Something. Then you can use your matte paints and just apply the Tamiya gloss clear as needed.