Accurate Miniatures SBD2 Dauntless

Hello Gents,
I recieved a 1/48 SBD2 Dauntless made by Accurate Miniatures for Christmas this year. I was wondering if anyone had ever assembled this model before and if so do they have any comments about its quality? It looks to me to be a very well molded plane and I am impressed with the instructions that accompany it.

Any comments would be appreciated


I have the SBD-2 sitting on my waiting to be built shelf, but I have built the -1,-3 and -5 and they were magnificent to build. Highly detailed, very well thought out instruction sheet and perfect fit of the parts with no problems what so ever. Every AM kit I have built (which is all of them to date) are of the same quality. The only advice I can give is follow the sequence of the instructions exactly as they are arranged. Unlike most kits where you can jump around and build all the subassemblies first and then bring them together, on the AM kits the parts all tie together and if you jump around some assemblies won’t go together right. (been there, done that!). Enjoy your build it is a great kit.

John is right…AM kits are superbly molded and detailed…they’re very high quality kits - great fit and very fine molding.
Follow the instruction sequence carefully (or you’ll end up in trouble!!) and have fun with it.
One thing…have a look at the Accurate Miniatures website - they have pages for online builds for their kits…have a look at:
I hope they don’t mind me posting a link to their site…but have a look…
Good luck!

Ditto here too Ben, I have my SBD-2 waiting to be decaled as we speak… GREAT build!!! I’ve built the dash-5 and dash-3 also… AM models really exceed and I think you will love every minute… the only part of the build with a bit of small work is the cockpit. It’s worth taking your time on the cockpit… because when you are finished it will make you real proud!

I also received the SBD-2 Midway version for Christmas and after reviewing the instructions & comparing the decal sheet, thought that the shoulder harnesses were missing. I e-mailed Accurate Min. (from their web site) and received a quick & accurate (at least in my opinion) response. The SBD-2’s at Midway were older versions, not having the shoulder harnesses. I haven’t started the build yet, but continue to be impressed with the company.

Great kits, but be warned, they do require some time and concentration. Check also the Naval Aviaton Group Build. We are doing a lot of talking about the AM SBD there as well.
Heres a few links on FSM:
I have a SBD-5 ready to have decals put on it. I have spent about three relaxing months on this kit and now I want to build the -2.

Out standing guys as I’ve just bought the AM SBD-3 dauntless kit , thanks for the tips as well…

cheers mike

I’ve built the SBD1, and its one of my favorite kits of all times. I had no fit problems, no fillter needed, and added almost nothing to the kit. As others have said, the details are fantastic. I’ve included 2 pics below, the finished model and the cockpit area. I’ve added nothing to whats in the box, as you can see its quite detailed and really doesn’t need any after market stuff.

Here’s a link to my build if you are interested to see more …

Good luck with your build and post some pictures!

As stated above the AM Dauntless kits are excellent. Take your time, pay attention to the directions & you’ll end up with a great model. The only problem I had on the couple I’ve built were the dive flaps being warped. These were earlier releases & the problem may have been corrected on current releases. In any case, it wasn’t a major problem to correct, just irritating in an otherwise outstanding kit.

Regards, Rick

I have the -2 and -5 and am very impressed with the details. I have yet to build build either, but am looking forward to it when I do.


When the AcMin SBD series first began in the, what? Mid-late 90s? the buzz was it was a shake the box and pour it out model. This isn’t quite true (and if it were such a small challenge, would it be worth your time or money?), but it is still among my favorite kits to build. I happen to have a love affair with AcMin’s kits going back to that first P-51A (I wish I could say the same for the company’s management), and still consider AcMin to be the most modeler-friendly kits. Most obvious, of course, is the consistantly fine fit and the incredibly good research they do before cutting molds. And, while I’ve read posts from some people who disagree, I consider their instructions the best of any kit maker ever. I like a lot of explanatory text (and AM’s even has a sense of humor) as long as the drawings are just as good.
The advice you’ve been given about the SBD kit in particular is pretty much all true in my experience and I can’t add much. It is a great kit, and is already a classic, just like the Avenger kits are. Rick, I had warped dive flaps on my first AM SBD in 1997 or '98, and just last year, on a much newer molding of the SBD-1 I built, the dive flaps were still warped the same amount. I’m going to PE on my next one. In fact, in the two times I’ve built it, of the whole kit, the only real problem I ever had was not just with warped dive flaps, but some trouble with mounting them as well. But, overall that’s a small complaint (other than the rising prices of these kits).
I’m looking forward to the newest re-release of AcMin’s Allison Mustangs, an F-6A, which is in my hometown Air Guard unit’s markings, when they were activated for the war as a recce sqadron, the 111th TRS (aka “The Snoopers.” They even produced one ace as a recce unit.) Then, with the aid of Experts Choice decals, I’m going to do an F-84E or G from when the unit was again Federalized and flew in the Korean War. It’ll make a nice side-by-side display on one base.
And, hopefully, we’ll get to see that long, long awaited Vindicator series that seems to finally be here at last.