I am just wondering how you paint your accessories. i have tried painting them when they are on the tank, but then the paint gets onto the base coat and ruins the look. I have also tried painting them seperately, then sticking them on, but the glue messes with the paint and also ruins the look.
Can you guys tell me what you think the best way is ?
I can’t say that I always do the accessories a single way. Usually I paint them off the model, then glue them carefully with liquid cement or superglue. If I paint them on the model, I try to be careful and then touch up mistakes. I weather the tools along with the model, except one or two tools, on which I will clean the contact areas where they would be handled by the crew, like shovel handles. I also use a little shinier treatment for the used metal areas of shovels, axes and track tools.
Better to paint tools and cables last. If your afraid of filling a hole with paint, use a small peice of wire to act as a dam, then remove. I mount accesories last, it gives the tank a more real look, besides, why do you need to camo a shovel.
Best way to get rid of the shiney glue spot is to dulcoat the model after all tools, bags, etc have been added. This also seals all the painted surfaces and preserves the finishes.
I paint my accessories, and sometimes other main bits separately then use PVA glue (wood glue, Elmer’s,…) to do my final assembly. It’s not as strong as other glues, but my models often end up on dioramas or bases and are therefore not handled much one they have been painted/weathered.
The good thing about this glue is that it can be cleaned up with water/saliva, and therefore does not leave shiny marks.
I now paint my tools and acessories on the model,a steady hand helps,but I also slide a Post-It note under the tool or cable or right next to it as a mask.I have found it easier then trying to glue stuff on after painting.
Ditto what Tojo says. Paint on the model, but add insurance by placing a post-it (or any other piece of paper) slid between the thing you are painting and the actual vehicle.