Academy's P-38 and P-47's in 1/48, how do they compare?

How does Academy’s later P-38’s and P-47’s compare to the other ones out there?
Any tips what to look out for??

I just started an academy p-47d. So far it’s okay. Academy plastic has a yendency to feel “soft” as opposed to plastic from hasegawa and tamiya. Generally they build well.

In 1/48, the Academy P-38 is the easiest build, but only fair on detail. The Hasegawa kit is more detailed, but a harder build. The old Monogram is the least detailed & least expensive. For the P-47D, the Academy kits are OK for the price, but the Hasegawa kits are better & the Tamiya kits are the best by far.

Regards, Rick

I will have to agree with Rick on the P-47 ( Tamiya) It was a sweet build. I have the Hasegawa p-38 but it is at the bottom of the pile so I cant help you with that one.
