Academy 1/48 Mig 21 (pics)

I don’t build many gas passers, but I did this one recently for Tanky’s “Planes of the Red Star” GB. The Academy kit is pretty nice OOB, but I decided to juice it up with the Aires resin/PE detail set.

Here’s a couple of in-progress pics of the Aires cockpit.

The finished model, painted with ModelMaster enamels.

Thanks for looking. Comments welcome.

Regards, Rick

Wow! beautifull work Rick. That looks like it’s a very nice kit.Any issues? The CP and camo is very well done. Nice job.


That is a great looking office on the MIG. Nice paint job on the aircraft too.

Jerry, Berny, Thanks guys. There were no issues with the kit. Fitting the Aires cockpit required some surgery, but nothing too major.

Regards, Rick

I built that kit in luftwaffe colors!I think it is a great kit even if it is an Academy kit!Great Job BTW!

Yessiree. Nice work. I want to go & do mine now.

Nice work, Rick! Once again, good to see some Red birds around!

It’s always nice to see one of your builds rick.
excellantly done.

Superclean Rick! My favorite Roosky fighter. Your usual attention to detail is in evidence. One of your best IMHO…


Philo, Shaun, Max, W1Bhi2, Steve, Thanks for looking & for the comments. Much appreciated.

Regards, Rick

Awesome work, rick!! Great job on the office, and the camo is first-rate! [:)] Really makes me want to have a go at my 1/32 Trumpeter kit and the Black Box cockpit I’ve got.

Nicely done, indeed![:)]

Outstanding job, Rick! The cockpit looks beautiful.


Looks great Rick! Especially the cockpit… Looks like you can hop right in and fly that, uh, piece of masking tape away…

Nice work!

Sweet build mate… Really love the colours on her… Thanks for sharing!


Fine work as usual Rick. Great job on the camo.

Magnificent job, Rick!

Great looking build, Rick! Simply marvelous. How did you do the camo - masked and airbrushed? Cockpit looks superb.
Thanks for sharing.


rudrat, Mark, Fred, Chris, mkhoot, Brian, Mitch, Thanks guys for the kind words. Much appreciated.

Mitch, I used an AB for the camo, masked with “Handi-Tak” ( Same stuff as Blu-Tak only yellow).

Regards, Rick


You just keep outdoing yourself! Very nice build. Extremely clean.

Rick…for a guy who does’nt do tail burners you sure have turned out a real winner! The office is very well done and the finish looks great. A very fine model indeed! Darren.