Absolutely incredible aircraft animations

Check these out. This guy is fantastic. His animation work is incredible.


I thought the short DB Bros. was excellent, a Ki-61, Mc-202, and Bf-109G all flying together. Something that’s probably never happened.

Thanks to Paul Boyer for turning me on to the link.



What he said. Wow.

Thats just cool !!! I like the merlins myself. Man if we could get a combat flight sim with these graphics!![8D]

Amen to that!!!

…I imagine that’s what MS Flight Simulator could look like in about 8 to 10 years. At least I sure hope it does!

Here’s hopein’ the X-Box 360 can eventually do something like that…

It also brings new hope for the possibility of a very nice WWII Aircraft movie in the future, ala better Pearl Harbor or Saving Private Ryan. There are some benefits to computer animation, I think! [;)]

I smell a remake of Divebomber on the horizon. Peter Jackson like planes, right?

I’d comment n the animations but I seem to have dropped my jaw to the floor.

Wow. Double wow. The audio was awesome, too.

Outstanding vids! Thanks for posting the link, Jeff! Makes you feel like you time warped back to the early 1940’s!

Brian [C):-)]


OMG. They were all VERY cool, but I especially like the Merlin, and the Corsair stunt smoke was superb. Wow. I say again, wow.

Absolutely, phantsmaticallyphragmaticallently, certifiably, KICK A$$!
would be just that much better with real english audio instead of “cyber engrish”
I can’t believe this guy got the tail wheel waggle and landing lights so good!

did someone check those CGI aircraft pictures he has too? those were just as incredible. better than some of the models that we build…

amen brotha! That was awasome graphics!

Did anyone else watch 1945 ? Amazing ,P-51s dogfighting with I think Ki-84s ( I’m not too sure on the ID of the Japanese planes) Is this what video games are going to look like? Great link, thanks for posting it.

That’s simply the most amazing CG work I’ve ever seen. Looks like he took you back to WWII. Wow.

I especially liked the F1M2 “Pete” floatplane he did[:O][wow] BTW a lil trivia for ya the “Pete” was the scout plane launched from the cruiser Tone that found the US fleet at midway.

If anyone is interested the History Channel is showing a special on animated reinactments of historic dogfights Sunday night (4/2) 10pm ET. Will be interesting to see how they compare to these.

Thanks for the info, I caught it just in time. Well, only to fall asleep to the F-4 part, but it sure was pretty good, showing the old crow in P-51B and has lots of video footages that had included a bunch of shots of P-51As as they introduced the mustangs.

Holy [censored]! Unbelievable that those are CG.