Hi All,
Been a little while but want to build an Abrams from Operation Iraqi Freedom. I have the markings from Echelon D356250, 3rd ACR M1A2.
What 1/35 kit would be the better pick? Meng 032 or Dragon 3535?
Thank you,
Hi All,
Been a little while but want to build an Abrams from Operation Iraqi Freedom. I have the markings from Echelon D356250, 3rd ACR M1A2.
What 1/35 kit would be the better pick? Meng 032 or Dragon 3535?
Thank you,
If you want to build an M1A2 as you have the decals for, neither. Both kits you listed build into M1A1s, not M1A2s. For an M1A2, get either the Meng T026 kit or the Dragon 3536 kit. Both are about the same level of detail.
Thanks! I’ll take a look into both!
What’s your skill level like? The Dragon kits can be a little complex. The 3rd ACR used straight M1A2s if I recall.
I’ve built several Dragon kits for WW2 tanks. This will be my first modern armor piece. I know Dragon kits can be frustrating but looking at reviews and instructions online doesn’t seem to bad.
I’m building Dragon’s M1A2 below, I do not remember the kit number- I can look when I get home if you want it. It’s a good kit but as said it’s a little rough in places, the Meng kit probably fits much better.
That’s the subsequent version of the Dragon M1A2SEP (3536) that adds some new parts to the original SEP kit to become the SEPv2. The SEP is the service enhancement program that was implemented during full production once the initial fielding of the M1A2 determined some tweaks were required.
I’m fairly sure that the 3rd ACR during the invasion of Iraq used the original straight M1A2. It was fielded to the 4th ID as the Force XXI testbed for the new digital warfare tracking system. Also one tank battalion in 1st Cav got them so they could work on interoperability between the two III Corps maneuver divisions. Additionally, 3rd ACR as the cavalry portion of III Corps got them as well.
The straight M1A2 had a short US Army lifespan and limited to just a few tank battalions and cavalry squadrons before being replaced by the M1A2SEP and subsequent SEPv2.
All versions of the M1A2 began life as an earlier Abrams tank and are rebuilds.
I have several M1A1 and M1A2 kits, but the Rye Field Models kit builds into either early war M1A1 or M1A2. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/rye-field-model-rm-5007-m1a1-m1a2--1004296
Yes I was looking at the RyeField kit as well. Never built one with interior so that might be interesting. I appreciate the responses and I certainly have some research to do.
Thanks Rob!
Tanker45: As I said not a bad kit at all. The Meng probably builds with less hassle. The Rye Field kit I have no idea, I’ve haven’t bought any of their stuff yet.
Anyway I’m repeating myself, just want to say I hope you build the Abrams and post her here. I’d really like to see how it goes.
Thank you all for your help! I did more research and will be giving the Rye Field model RM 5007 kit a go for this build.
I have the Italeri M1A2 in my stash, which I understand is the initial version. Would it work for OIF units that are listed above? 3rd ACR, 1st Cav, or 4th ID?
The newer Panda M1 Abrams is a good kit for a Team Yankee build if that’s something that interests you later.
The only caveat is the main gun is slightly out of round and a bit oval so a replacement 105mm barrel is advised, but not necessary.
Engineering of the kit is somewhere between AFV Club and Dragon as far as I can see from the box contents. I’ve only built the main drive sprockets so far, but the detail is totally there.
That’s something to consider for later.
Correct, it is the right version. Also often dressed up with 1-10 CAV markings from Fort Knox’s old Task Force 1-10 used as a demo tank at NTC.
That is definitely on my “to get list” since the M1IP is the one I trained on at Knox in AOB back in the day.
Perfect. Those units all had their tanks in overall sand, didn’t they?
Yes, a straight M1A2 was in desert sand. I think the only ones in NATO were the ones used for training at the Armor School and probably have the bumper number ACX or 16th CAV.
Perfect. Thank you. The OIF A1s look to be a mix of NATO or CARC Sand depending upon the unit.
Was going to use the AK Real Color CARC.