One painted black from a rattle can…
One painted Tamiya deck tan (closest acrylic I could find to match Floquil concrete)
What is my next step for each???
Proposed Plan:
I planned to drybrush the tan bunker with olive drab and some browns and give it a wash of some umbers of sorts…
The black bunker I plan to spray it with the deck tan and see how it looks and then dry brush like the flak bunker
Please ring in some suggestions with techniques and ideas. I thought I would start with them like this, post it up here, and then see what happens
I mean they both cant come out terrible, right? [xx(]
Take a dremel tool and pound the stuffing out of them so they look like they have seen action or at least been there some time and then paint how you wish. From the photo it look like they were just built yesterday, no gouges, cracks, shell marks, worn area that has been traveled alot… to me they look almost brandnew… of course my moneter isnt that great either. hope this idea helps. =)
The bunkers are just sitting on temporary bases for the picture. I will have the ground built up around them. I am having a hard time proceeding with the painting of them. I painted one a concrete color (Tamiya deck tan) and I guess I need to give it washes and drybrush it. (with what colors though?[?])
The other one I painted black and I guess I am planning on airbrushing the centers of the areas leaving the black to show the corners off [:)] ? Then drybrush with what colors? [:(]
muzzleflash88 I would think an overall wash with a light gray to give it a good concrete look and then do earth tones and a little dark gray here and there on the weathering. I also think putting some damage on them would look good too.
I took Tamiya Flat Earth and cut it heavily with iso alcohol to thin it for the wash. The results look great, but it seemed to pull up the deck tan color below. Next time I will use a dullcoat barrier before using my wash.
Updated pics of step by step coming soon (when it dries)
man what a brave day it was, all kinds of experiments going on over here
I’m gonna hit the entire bunker to look like the lower portion in that photo, then nestle it into the groundwork and make it blend in with grass and a foot trail.
ya i play eod sometimes, but it reaaly pisses me off. mainly because all the weapons suck! i play as Mark_the_Killa!! so i hope to see ya. and how do u add people to the list so u can find them? anyway, they loook good.
There is an option to “view buddy list”.
then just right click and add buddy and type in muzzleflash and you can find the servers that I am in if I am playing