a sticky question

i bought a tube of off brand glue because i needed it when i dropped my tube of testors and stepped on it and the hobbyshop was closed

anyway it works good but it is a bit stringy coming out of the tube

is it the glue or is it maybe old does glue go stale ?

Some glues are, indeed stringy. But most adhesives do become more stringy with age and loss of solvent after they are opened.

What brand are you using, and what is its intended use?

it is called hobby center and is designed for models just like regular testors

and it works good just a little messy because of the stringieness

I haven’t used tube glue in ages—since I discovered solvent cements and superglue—but I recall Testors being slightly stringy, too.

If it works, use it. The worst thing that could happen is that it may fail at some unknown time in the future, but all tube glue made for styrene can have that problem.