Hi all. Just logged on. I am die hard modern fan. I like WWI&II models too but I don’t built them. There are enough people who are into this. I just like technology as it advances and I try hard to duplicate them as much as possible. Always try to build models that are seldom seen.
I hope to share and learn from all you pros out there. Thanks
Welcome to FSM Tiking. We all seem to have our “special” loves when it comes to modelling. See you around the Armour Forum.
Welcome, welcome, Tiking. Im a fan of modern stuff too, aircraft, armor, ships and all. Glad to have you with us.
Welcome! I’ve done mostly modern aircraft so far, but that’s mainly because it’s what I’ve spent a great deal of time exposed to. I’ve started branching out (finsihing my first WWII plane now) to other eras, but plan on still doing lots of modern stuff. I find the wider my interest, the more mischeif I can cause myself at the local hobby shop!
Welcome aboard. Hope you enjoy the site. Let us know if we can assist with any of your projects. - Ed
I am sorry I did not reply to your warm welcome. It’s been long over due. Thanks guys.[:D]
I’ve got a few modern airplanes on the shelf too. Looking forward to some good advice from you whenever I get around to building them!!
I know this is a late reponse but as the saying goes - Better late than never. I had totally forgotten about this post.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
Welcome to the forums, Tiking.
Welcome to FSM! I’m not into building modern planes that much unless they are experimental, but I love to see others finished models, modern or otherwise. [;)]