Putting my to 2 pence in another message in another of our forums, I remembered that I had, on my modeling desk, but under a few things [:D], a Revell Junkers G38. Some of those beasties were used by the Japanese Air Force at the early stages of their war on the Asian continent, and I had always wanted to model one of those… [:p]
Unfortunately, the two or three pics I have do not document well enough the modifications made to the German planes, and that’s why the kit ended up under a pile of other projects. [:(]
Would anyone, particularly someone in Japan (hint, hint, J-Hulk…!) have more info and pics and drawings to help and prevent the kit being put into indefinite storage…??? [:0]
Well, I went through all the reference materials I have at home, but I could only find written reference to any Junkers aircraft in Rene J. Francillon’s “Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War.” That book mentioned Mitsubishi versions of the Junkers K-37 and K-51, but no mention of the G38.
I’ll see what the book stores have next!
My pleasure! Interesting research.
Ahh, well then! According to Mr. Francillon, the Mitsubishi Ki-20 is the Japanese Junkers K-51. Unfortunately, that’s all that was mentioned. No pix.
I’ll check out Mitsubishi Ki-20s!
I’ve been to a few bookstores here in Osaka that carry a good selection of military aircraft references, but still no luck on pix of the Mitsubishi Ki-20.
Anybody else out there have any leads for djmodels?