a good day in vietnam!

this is my third diorama which i really have a problem with the arrangement. Well, i sort of made it have more flow but this is the best i can do. This is a vietnam diorama. I would like to hear any comments or suggestions to make this diorama look better. thanks!

Not too bad for only your 3rd dio. Some issues with it though. First off, the jeep is wrong for Vietnam. The jeep is a WWII jeep, it should be an M151A1 or A2 for Vietnam. The vehicles are too clean as well. They need some weathering to blend them into the base and tie it all together. Figures don’t really work either. The VietCong figures in black pajamas you have in the front were the enemy. They don’t look right being there with US troops. South Vietnamese soldiers were clothed in OD Green uniforms similar to the US ones. Not a bad job. A few tweaks and corrections and it could be great.